Quick now … who was the greatest second baseman in Montreal Expos history?

Jose Vidro? Orlando Cabrera?

Or maybe Vance Law or Doug Flynn was more your cup of Canadian tea.

Or maybe you go old school — original school, in fact — and take the Expos’ first second baseman as your guy. Hello, Gary Sutherland!


Well, for me, there’s no Montreal second baseman who can hold a candle to David Palmer.

Here, take a gander at the keystone dude in all his glory:

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All the red, white, blue, and powdery 80s goodness you could hope for from an Junk Wax baseball card.

You could always count on good old Donruss, right?

And the back of the card is even more amazing:

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Why, I’ll bet you haven’t seen a second baseman put up stats like that since your Little League days.

Boy, howdy!

I mean, there Palmer is, trotting out to second base every day on his baseball card, and yet he still managed to win 38 games while posting a solid 3.25 ERA.

See, I’m a baseball card collector, and any player who was able to add to the zany mythology of the 80s hobby boom, complete with rookie card mania and overproduction and that Donruss smell and error card mania … well, I want him on my team.

No matter where he plays. But especially if he plays 2B for the M.e.b. … and P (corrected version).

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