(This is Day 5 of our response to Tony L.’s 30-Day Baseball Card Challenge. See all our posts in this series here.)

I don’t know anything at all about certified autographs, but …

  1. Day 5 of Tony Lehman’s 30-Day Baseball Card Challenge says: “A certified autograph card of one of your favorite players.”
  2. It’s Day 5 of the Challenge.
  3. I like a challenge, even if I’m not comfortable with it. Maybe especially.
  4. Oscar Gamble is awesome.
  5. Topps thinks Oscar Gamble is awesome enough to give him some Archives love.

So rather than tell you a story about the 2016 Topps Archives Snapshots Oscar Gamble Certified Autograph card — what a mouthful! — I’m just going to break down what I like about it.

In graphical format.

Here goes, and if you know any answers to my semi-rhetorical questions, by all means leave them in the comments!

2016 Topps Archives Snapshots Oscar Gamble Certified Autograph